PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Best Christmas Gift Ever

Gregory and I always exchanged Christmas gifts. He would make sure to buy a few gifts for me but mostly our agreement was that I would buy him gifts and I would by him gifts to give to me. He liked this arrangement and so did I.

So while Christmas gifts were always fun, we were able to get what we wanted when we wanted, so sometimes we allowed the gifts at Christmas time to be a little more extravagant than usual but they were never too surprising. We just didn't do it that way.

Probably the most wonderful gift I ever received was this year from God-Son Isaac. He supported me through Gregory's illness serendipitously having moved in for a brief while just before Gregory began the process of dying.

He came to Lieberman with me every day until Gregory passed and supported me through my initial grieving and through the two memorial events; one at the condo and one at Lieberman.

Isaac lived here in the condo with me for three months and recently moved into his own apartment. Over time, he has become not only the son of dear friends, and my God-Son, but also a friend, confidant, and just good buddy!

When we were cleaning out Gregory's room, I left most things behind for other needy residents or to be sold to employees at a good price with the money going to Lieberman. Isaac asked if he could take a shirt of Gregory's and I said yes. I assumed he wanted a keepsake.

A few nights ago, Isaac and I exchanged Christmas gifts. Turns out that Isaac had selected a shirt (unbeknownst to him) that used to be mine and a favorite. When I outgrew it, it became a favorite of Gregory's as well.

Isaac had taken the "twice favorite" shirt and made it into a pillow for my Christmas gift as a memento for me to hug when I felt sad and by which to remember Gregory.

When I first opened it, I didn't realize the above significance. I thought it was lovely and that it would go nicely with the new chair in my bedroom. Then he had me look at the accompanying card again and I realized the significance of the gift. Turns out the pillow was in effect the "twice favorite" shirt and that Gregory, in the photo on the card, was wearing the shirt during this year's Gay Pride weekend.

Obviously I was totally moved and cried at how thoughtful Isaac's gift was  and also at what a meaningful, beautiful memory it was for me.

One does not realize what one will appreciate while going through the process of losing someone who is loved so much. Isaac intuited exactly what is probably the most wonderful Christmas gift I have ever received!

Gregory wearing the "twice favorite" shirt last June during Gay Pride.

Isaac had the photograph turned into a gift card
The twice favorite shirt was made into this pillow.


  1. Tis the season of transformations. From twice favored shirt to pillow. From godson to buddy. From love to love to love. Lucky for us all the light is returning.

    1. And Jan, you with Jake and Isaac are a large part of that light!


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