PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Update on E-Mail Update

My e-mail has been "dinging" off the hook with so many supportive replies to my update broadcast on Gregory and my continued journey with Alzheimer's. Over the next few days, I will be sharing some of the comments (names will be changed to protect the innocent :-)

Meanwhile I am afraid that we might be the closest that we have been to  having to find a Memory Care Home for Gregory. It may or may not be imminent depending on what course the illness next takes. I am still able to keep up and will continue to do what I have to do but at times the presenting situation is so strange that I do not know what to do or what the best course of action is.

For example his recent crying and upset jags. For seemingly no reason he gets upset and is not easily calmed. He does calm down eventually with soothing comments like: Everything is OK ... Everything is good ... love ... happy ... Everybody loves you. etc

One an episode took the direction of his feeling that he was a bad person and/or had done something wrong. I assured him and he perked up. "Really?" he replied. "OK?" "Honest?" etc he was able to get out as he was able to renew his confidence in his worth.

Another episode (and I am trying to guess at meanings here from his "mumblings") had to do with either having (in me) the kind of relationship and love that is very special or needing and hoping to find that kind of social love. Some of the mumblings sounded like him not being gay ("having a love like that.")

Early this morning we spent from 7-8am dealing with something "red" and "people out there"instead of sleeping. I finally got both of us out of bed and we walked around the condo talking about the snow outside the windows and how cold it is. He finally settled down and we went back to sleep.

I am concerned that I do the best for Gregory and am not sure what that might be and/or if my emotions and love for him are getting in the way of intelligent decisions. I would like to believe that I am able to separate my emotional from my intellectual and that the right side will win out. I know I have friends who will "take me in hand" if I loose my perspective!

I will be talking to a Neurological Social Worker in the next few weeks and Gregory is switching to a new neurologist who specializes in Alzheimer's. (I was pissed when I recently learned that his current doctor who was a "replacement" for one who left is a specialist in MS. Good for MS but not for Gregory?)

Meanwhile I am taking a day at a time and surviving. Not necessarily "living" but at least "surviving."

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