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Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Sabbath Dinner

B and E sit at Gregory's dining room table. B, a female in her 70's, seems somewhat alert. E, a male currently 99 years old, very verbal but making little sense. I am M, sitting with Gregory, supporting him as he eats, and engaging our table mates in conversation. 

M: Good Evening B. How are you tonight?

B: Good Evening. I am fine thank you.

M: Hello Eddie.

E: Hi.

M: B I notice you have a lovely voice, accent. Where were you born?

B: England.

M: Lovely

B: Yes and I raised three sons who did fairly well.

M: Nice

B: And I loved my husband. 
     (Sarcastically) Are you going to ask about how many times a week we had sex?"

M: No. I don't think that is my business.

B: Right. So don't ask so many questions.

From across the dining room: (In a deep male voice) Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

E: (Noticing someone at the table was just served their dinner. With hand extended, loudly) What about me? What about me? What about me?

From the next table: (In a female voice that sounds like Donald Duck inhaling helium) Mama. Mama. Mama. I want my mama.

One of the staff delivering dessert sings: Cookies, cookies, who wants a cookie?

E: (loudly) What about me? What about me? What about me?

From across the dining room in a female voice: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Then: Mama Mama

Then: Whoop

Then: Yaaaaaaa

On her way out of the dining room, H from a few tables over, asks the staff member: Where do I pay for my meal? How much does it cost today?

From across the dining room: I want to go home.

Staff: This is your home, I'll help you find your room.

All this goes quite unnoticed by Gregory as he eats and savors his Friday night, sabbath meal: Brisket, roasted potatoes, cabbage, a light salad, carrot and celery sticks, challah, fruit juice, coffee, and a cookie.

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