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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

An Important Lesson Revisited

I have learned this lesson before and forgotten it before. This piece in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review Fall 2013 Page 14 reminded me that emotions are the thermometer of how you are feeling. They are a measure of one moment in time. They can help enlighten you and show you what you like about yourself and your life and what you want to try to change. Emotions can also be just a picture of what is or a reminder of what to be grateful for. I used to think that emotions were a sign of weakness or something that had to be "dealt with" or buried or ignored. So now I "go with" my emotions and say, "Bless you," and ask, "What do you want me to know? What do you want me to understand?"

Get Intimate with Your Emotions
By: Robert Augustus Masters

If you want more joy, get as intimate as possible with all of your emotions, illuminating and honoring the basic energy of each one. There is a kind of joy that sooner or later emerges from such exploration, the joy of simply being present at the heart of whatever we are feeling. Such joy weeps as easily as it celebrates; its loss of face only deepens its presence.

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