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Friday, November 22, 2013


Gregory continues to paint almost every Tuesday with Nancy Rosen at her studio in Chicago. He has completed close to 150 paintings (of various sizes) in a little under two years.

I posted the following painting on my Facebook page. It is one of G and my current favorites.

Our friend JY commented: It's like the sunlight filtering through a dense forest. Wow!

I replied: As you know, who knows what if anything the painting symbolizes. I think it is mostly abstraction and enjoying use of color that is rising from deep within Gregory but not necessarily with any connections or associations or at least ones that he could express. I know he did not start out thinking, "Oh I think I'll paint a forest" etc. He probably didn't have those thoughts anytime during the painting and maybe could only see the relationship when someone other mentioned what they saw in his work.

The whole process is, however, wonderful and amazing and I am so pleased that he enjoys the new found hobby so much and that we are fortunate enough to have Nancy Rosen (our Art Angel) support his efforts.

If you get a chance, be sure to visit Nancy's site  to see some of her amazing work. She is one of the most prolific artists that I know. I will advertise here for her next "Save Me From Myself Sale" which she has every December to move some product at good prices so she can create some space for next year's work!

Also, I will post a link soon so you can see Gregory's 2012-2013 work.

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