PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thank You Corine


Have been thinking about you a lot recently and wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and to thank you for being my first guru/teacher (and counting:-) Let me ramble for a little ...

I continue my readings, meditation, and practice in Buddhism and find that they continue to help me live my life each day, accept changes as they come, grow into my new relationship with Gregory, and continue to grow myself.

Do you remember that you (indirectly) were part of an “epiphany” that I experienced late in 2012 or early 2013 (I don’t remember exactly) as I was drifting off to sleep: 1) I needed to quit Chicago Children’s Museum as curator to Michael’s Museum, 2) I needed to begin meditation as a way of finding a way to get away from myself and my suffering with G’s Alzheimer’s, and 3) I needed to reclaim my health and my body.

I have succeeded with number 1, have progressed well with number 2, and continue to struggle with number 3 (although I did renew my membership at LA Fitness and have been going to workout at least twice a week.)

Our meeting in the hall at Heartwood when I had finished a massage with Sarah McLaughlin and my subsequent signing up for a Yoga Nidra class was no coincidence. It was a gift from the Universe. The experience with you and Yoga Nidra changed my life and again I will tell you that I am so grateful to you. Our sessions in your office and the sessions on Davis Street helped me continue on the path.

While I know that I had and have been doing a good job supporting Gregory and living with the challenge of Alzheimer’s, I really would not be as successful as I have been without you and your being my teacher.

I call my life with Gregory for the last ten years our “journey” and my growth with meditation my “path.” So thank you for showing me the path. I continue to be comforted and amazed as it continues to unfold before me.

So thank you, I appreciate you, I am grateful to you, I love you, and Namaste!


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