PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Oh My Heart

Yesterday when I arrived to visit Gregory he was being changed by the aides. I didn't let him see me so as not to complicate the situation and waited in the hall until they were finished.

Changing Gregory's diaper (I hate using that word) is at most , when he cooperates, a difficult situation. He is tall, weights 180 lbs, and has to be moved to his bed using a hoyer lift. A sling is inserted behind his back and brought up around his legs. The ends of the sling are attached to the machine and he is lifted into the air, swung around parallel to the bed, and lowered into place.

Then the aides take off his pants (and often his shirt,) clean him up, and put on a new diaper. This is done by rolling him from one side to the other. The aides have to do all the work because he cannot roll himself. Then they put on new clothing, reattach the sling, lift and swing, lower him back into his wheel chair.

I would guess that this is not only a little embarrassing (although I think Gregory is used to it by now,) but uncomfortable and at times painful. Depending on Gregory's "state," it is also frightening for him to be dangling in the air and he becomes resistive, known to swear, kick, and/or struggle. The aides are kind and gentle and are able to "talk him down" but as I said, it is not an easy activity for Gregory or the aides.

That described, yesterday after he was back in his wheel chair, I came into the room. "Hi, its me!" But Gregory was still "recovering" from his ordeal and was unable to focus. I tried to put my face in his line of vision, continued announcing myself, but he was still unable to focus. I think that he was actually unaware that I had arrived.

Finally he did a double take, and I mean a double take like in the movies, and he was able to focus on me, realized who I was, and a large smile came over his face.

Here comes the title of this post: He looked into my eyes, with this oh so pleased look on his face, reached out towards me and said, "Oh, my heart!"

I melted.

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