PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's in the Drawer

Over Gregory's journey with Alzheimer's, I have developed many techniques to help keep him organized. Then I have re-developed them and re-developed them and re-developed them. Here is the latest.

We have a "Pockets Table" in our hall by the front door. We each have a drawer for wallet, keys, cell phone, etc. The center drawer is where the emergency radio, flashlights, and charging station is kept. A wire runs from there to the other two drawers so you can "plug in."

In the past I had jewelry dividers in Gregory's drawer and a sign tent on the table to remind him of what he needed to put into his pockets. The sign has changed over time as the seasons changed and as his capabilities changed.

Today I tossed the sign because he isn't able to use it anymore. Forgets to look at it? Can't read it? Can read it but can't understand it? Can't apply looking at a word and associating it with the object? Doesn't matter, I tossed it.

Also realized that his wallet is black, his cell phone is black, his "Safe Return" necklace is black and the dividers in his drawer were black. Sometimes he would leave things behind probably because black became black and stayed black.

I changed the drawer a few days ago as pictured. Has been working well so far. Each item goes in its own container and with the white backing it is easy to tell what is what. The mints, cough drops, and sun glasses work well also. Here is a photo of his drawer.

Just as an ironic comparison, here is a photo of my drawer:

Cell phone took photo, handkerchief, "Caregiver Necklace," charging wire, rings, keys, wallet, mints, bluetooth ear but, more mints, even more mints, yet even more mints, sun glasses clip, miscellaneous bits and pieces, two more ear bud sets, tape measure, cough drops, chapstick and misc.

A fast question: Who is closer to Nirvana? Drawer A or Drawer B?


  1. I really enjoy your Gregory Updates. Sometimes I laugh Other times I cry. Regardless I'm grateful you allow me a chance to see inside yours and Gregory's world. I don't know what or how to comment most times But wanted you to know I read all your blogs! Keep writing! I'm a huge fan of yours Plus you are my favorite Uncle!! LUV U and Gregory Always!!
    Lauren Laurie Lolo

  2. Thanks Lauren. I know you follow this blog and I appreciate it. Don't need to "know what or how to comment." Just say, "I love you!" I love you back.


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