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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Changing Relationships

Every now and then I share my reaction to a quote or daily inspiration (of which I read a number from various sources.) This one talks about emotions.

Your emotion, your indicator of vibration, is indicating the ratio between your currently focused desire and any other belief or thought that you hold about same. When you feel negative emotion, anger about something, or fear... the name of the emotion does not matter, it always means that there is a desire within you that, in this moment, you are contradicting with some other thought.

Your emotions are always about your relationship with your own desire, and nothing else.

This one caused me to stop and think about the various emotions that I experience because of Gregory's Alzheimer's. I re-visited a number of emotions and difficult interactions to see if the statement held true and in what seems like an overly simplified way, it does.

EMOTIONS: For example when Gregory is getting dressed in the morning and having trouble yet again with putting on his shirt, I find myself having the emotions of frustration and anger. 

DESIRE: My desire is that I want him to be able to do these daily activities of getting dressed.

DESIRE: Helping in the morning is difficult for me. I do not want to spend my energy trying to figure out how to show or explain the process to him when I know that I will probably fail. I do not want to "spin my wheels" in the process of his getting dressed when I know that my help will probably only complicate matters and that short of sitting him down and dressing him, I will fail.

So it is obvious that my emotions (negative) are in relationship to my desires (unreachable and doomed to failure) however, I can do something about creating alternate desires which will bring alternate emotions.

ALTERNATE DESIRE: I want to calmly and lovingly help him get dressed in the morning. I am changing my attitude, which is possible. I am not expecting him to
accomplish predictably something which he is unable to do.

ALTERNATE DESIRE: I am doing the best I can with a disease that is totally unpredictable, some things are possible one day and not on another. If I maintain my patience, even if I am not at my best in the morning, I can help him with gentle explaining and showing and if necessary doing. I am not failing but succeeding. I am changing my behavior, which is possible; I am not trying to change his behavior, which is not possible.

ALTERNATE EMOTIONS: So the new emotions (joy, love, and success) will be in relationship to my alternate desires (that together Gregory amd I are successful in helping him get dressed in the morning.) 

If I can change how I perceive my desires, I will be able to change the emotions I experience. Instead of the negative ones of anger, frustration, and failure; I will experience the positive ones of love, joy, success.

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