PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Visit to the Emergency Room

Gregory is OK but last night we were in the Emergency Room from 7:00pm until 4:00am. He was diagnosed with Kidney Stones and hopefully they will pass on their own in the next few days. 

The difficulty was his lack of language and/or associations to be able to explain what he was feeling and where. He was in a lot of pain and through he was going to die. 

Also he became delirious which added to his fears (and mine.) This is the second time Delirium hit so now that I understand it, I was prepared and not as frightened. When it happens he looses all the abilities and awareness that he still has.  He becomes totally irrational. For more information on Delirium click here: Delirium: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

With the help of a neighbor we got him to the car and I drove him to the hospital. I didn't want to use an ambulance with sirens screaming etc, to add to his confusion.

Once the pain subsided he did better and the ER experience, while with supportive staff, was just boring and long. On a kind note, the hospital keeps feel for family while they are waiting. I had a turkey & cheese on whole wheat sandwich, cranberry juice, and a package of Lorna Dune cookies. 

We slept in this morning and he is much more aware and feeling fine, just a little "beat up."

I'm keeping an eye on his urine, we have Vicodin in case he is in pain again as the stone moves out.

So all is well, but wanted you to know,

Love ya,

P.S. I couldn't help but think about my sister, brother-in-law, nieces, and nephews who spent many a rushed visit to ER with mom.

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