PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Here and Now Complications

My life right now, who I am, is so complicated with such mixed emotions. I asked my therapist how I could be feeling such dichotomous emotions and he said the answer is "Wisdom." 
Emotions are not separate but rather opposites along a continuum. In and of themselves, emotions are not good or bad. They just are. To be complete we need to acknowledge all of our emotions while trying to keep them in balance. Allow for happiness. Allow for sadness. Try to stay somewhere in the middle. 
I love my solitude, I miss Gregory. I love having the condo to myself, I wish he was here with me. I like making decisions by myself, I have no one to rely on. I feel such joy at the same time I feel such despair and loneliness.  
If I look through Gregory's eyes, I am at peace. When I look through my own, I am at turmoil. I have always had a life of my own and separate friends and personal goals/ambitions but I would love to be able to share their progress with Gregory like I used to. 
I yearn to cuddle in his arms at bedtime. I miss a good FUCK. I miss a good back rub. I miss sharing my feelings after watching a movie. I miss eating half my dinner at the restaurant and then switching and enjoying the new tastes in his half. I miss his help carrying the groceries in from the car. I miss his company while waiting in the lobby for a doctor's appointment. I miss his patience with me. I miss his supporting and encouraging me to be who I am.
I am doing a fairly good job of living in the here and now like Gregory is doing, know in my heart that HERE and NOW  is all we really have, but find myself wondering if I should be dealing with or thinking about the future. To be honest I cannot imagine a future.

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