PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cats and Knock Knock Jokes and Farts

This morning while sitting at my computer, Gregory stood there quietly waiting after he was finished shaving. I realized that I had forgotten to put his underwear out on the bedroom bench. 

I got up to get them, kiddingly saying , "Oops I failed you by not living up to my responsibilities." 

Going into the closet and continuing my monologue, "I will leave the closet door open so the cat can  try to sneak in again." (Which she does every single time the door is open even though she knows the closet is off limits. With a gentle "No" she always turns around and leaves.

Then I mused, "I guess the cat is a lot like you, Gregory, she always forgets the same thing, over and over."

We both laughed.

• • •

We watched the movie South Pacific last night. An old "Knock/ Knock" joke came to mind and I tried to tell it to Gregory. 

The problem was he did not remember how to do a "Knock/Knock" joke, so I tried to teach him. I say, "Knock/Knock." You say, "Who's there?" Then I say the punch line.

I said, "Knock/Knock." He replied, "Yes?" We laughed.

I repeated, "You are supposed to say, "Who's there?


"What is it?" he asked. 

We laughed some more. 

This went on for several iterations. The laughter turned into giggles then we couldn't stop as we both were tickled with the progress of our conversation.

Finally I just gave it to him:


"Who is there?"

"Sam and Janet."

"Sam and Janet who?"

I sang: "Sam and Janet evening. You will see a stranger. You will see a stranger across the crowded room." etc.

"Not a very good joke," Gregory replied.

• • •

This mooring while Gregory was shaving I was sitting on the pot. (Spoiler: FARTs ahead.) I gave a deep fart and Gregory mimicked the sound with his mouth. We both were quite tickled. I gave a long, sweet, high fart and Gregory imitated it again. We laughed and laughed. He was very proud of himself for having made a joke. Laughing is fun. Almost as fun as farting.

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