PLEASE NOTE: Even though this blog is now dormant there are many useful, insightful posts. Scroll back from the end or forward from the beginning. Also, check out my writer's blog. Periodically I will add posts here if they provide additional information about living well with Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hearing vs Listening

I have found that The Daily Word from Unity Temple, has been very helpful in my spiritual quest and supporting me as I deal with Gregory's Alzheimer's. Today's passage reads:

"I rely on my ears to hear, but my heart to listen. When someone speaks to me, I not only hear the words, but with focused attention, I truly listen to what they are saying and the feelings they are expressing. I am an active and attentive listener, asking for clarification to help me understand. I listen this way because I know what it means to be heard."

More and more, as Gregory continues to loose words and language, I find myself listening with my heart to his attempts to communicate. I know him and our life well enough, that I am often able to "know" what he is trying to say. Other times I haven't the foggiest. This is when it takes more patience on my part and I really must listen with my heart.

Lately, I find that while I am waiting attentively, with an interested look on my face, while he is trying to formulate his thoughts, in my mind I quietly send LOVE to him. This helps me maintain my patience and calm my frustration and sometimes anger.

So many lessons.

Unity's Daily Word Magazine

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